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5e Wondrous Items Table

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  1. Quickly accessible list of magic items. Sort, filter, and read the full descriptions for every magic item in 5th Edition D&D.
  2. Spell Sheet; Monster List; Magic Items; Encounter Size Calculator; Initiative Tracker; Random Generator; Random Dungeon Generator.

Wondrous Item Descriptions. Standard wondrous items are described below. Amulet of Health. This amulet is a golden disk on a chain. It usually bears the image of a lion or other powerful animal. The amulet grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Constitution of +2, +4, or +6. Epic Wondrous Item Descriptions. Standard epic wondrous items are described below. Amulet of Epic Natural Armor. This amulet toughens the wearer's body and flesh, giving him or her an enhancement bonus to his or her natural armor of +6 or higher, depending on the type of amulet. Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, barkskin, creator's caster. Wondrous item (tattoo), rarity varies (requires attunement) Tattoo Attunement. To attune to this item, you hold the needle to your skin where you want the tattoo to appear, pressing the needle there throughout the attunement process. When the attunement is complete, the needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on the skin.

Some Magic Items possess sentience and Personality. Such an item might be possessed, Haunted by the spirit of a previous owner, or self--aware thanks to the magic used to create it. In any case, the item behaves like a character, complete with PersonalityQuirks, Ideals, bonds, and sometimes flaws. A sentient item might be a cherished ally to its wielder or a continual thorn in the side.
Most sentient items are Weapons. Other kinds of items can manifest sentience, but consumable items such as Potions and Scrolls are never sentient.
Sentient Magic Items function as NPCs under the GM's control. Any activated property of the item is under the item's control, not its wielder's. As long as the wielder maintains a good relationship with the item, the wielder can access those Properties normally. If the relationship is strained, the item can suppress its activated Properties or even turn them against the wielder.

Creating Sentient Magic Items

5e Wondrous Items Table
When you decide to make a magic item sentient, you create the item's persona in the same way you would create an NPC, with a few exceptions described here.


A sentient magic item has Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You can choose the item's abilities or determine them randomly. To determine them randomly, roll 4d6 for each one, dropping the lowest roll and totaling the rest.
A sentient item has some ability to communicate, either by sharing its emotions, broadcasting its thoughts telepathically, or speaking aloud. You can choose how it communicates or roll on the following table.
01 - 60The item communicates by transmitting emotion to the creating carrying or wielding it.
61 - 90The item can speak, read, and understand one or more Languages.
91 - 00The item can speak, read, and understand one or more Languages. In addition, the item can communicate telepathically with any character that carries or wields it.


With sentience comes awareness. A sentient item can perceive its surroundings out to a limited range. You can choose its Senses or roll on the following table.
1Hearing and normal vision to 30 ft.
2Hearing and normal vision to 60 ft.
3Hearing and normal vision to 120 ft.
4Hearing and Darkvision to 120 ft.
A sentient magic item has an Alignment. Its creator or Nature might suggest an Alignment. If not, you can pick an Alignment or roll on the following table.
01 - 15Lawful Good
16 - 35Neutral Good
36 - 50Chaotic Good
51 - 63Lawful Neutral
64 - 73Neutral
74 - 85Chaotic Neutral
86 - 89Lawful Evil
90 - 96Neutral Evil
97 - 00Chaotic Evil

You can give a sentient item an objective it pursues, perhaps to the exclusion of all else. As long as the wielder's use of the item aligns with that SpecialPurpose, the item remains cooperative. Deviating from this course might cause conflict between the wielder and the item, and could even cause the item to prevent the use of its activated Properties. You can pick a SpecialPurpose or roll on the following table.
1Aligned: The item seeks to defeat or destroy those of a diametrically opposed Alignment (such an item is never neutral).
2Bane: The item seeks to defeat or destroy creates of a particular kind, such as Fiends, shapechangers, Trolls, or Wizards.
3Protector: The item seeks to defend a particular race or kind of creature, such as Elves or Druids.
4Crusader: The item seeks to defeat, weaken, or destroy the servants of a particular deity.
5Templar: The item seeks to defend the servants and interests of a particular deity.
6Destroyer: The item craves destruction and goads its user to fight arbitrarily.
7Glory Seeker: The item seeks Renown as the greatest magic item in the world, by establishing its user as a famous or notorious figure.
8Lore Seeker: The item craves knowledge or is determined to solve a Mystery, learn a Secret, or unravel a cryptic prophecy.
9Destiny Seeker: The item is convinced that it and its wielder have key roles to play in future events.
10Creator Seeker: The item seeks its creator and wants to understand why it was created.


A sentient item has a will of its own, shaped by its Personality and Alignment. If its wielder acts in a manner opposed to the item's Alignment or Purpose, conflict can arise. When such a conflict occurs, the item makes a Charisma check contested by the wielder's Charisma check. If the item wins the contest, it makes one or more of the following demands:

D&d Magic Items

  • The item insists on being carried or worn at all times.
  • The item demands that its wielder dispose of anything the item finds repugnant.
  • The item demands that its wielder pursue the item's goals to the exclusion of all Other Goals.
  • The item demands to be given to someone else.

If its wielder refuses to comply with the item's wishes, the item can do any or all of the following:

  • Make it impossible for its wielder to attune to it.
  • Suppress one or more of its activated Properties.
  • Attempt to take control of its wielder.

Chest Of Preserving 5e

If a sentient item attempts to take control of its wielder, the wielder must make a Charisma Saving Throw, with a DC equal to 12 + the item's Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the wielder is Charmed by the item for 1d12 hours. While Charmed, the wielder must try to follow the item's commands. If the wielder takes damage, it can repeat the Saving Throw, Ending the Effect on a success. Whether the attempt to control its user succeeds or fails, the item can't use this power again until the next dawn.
Horrible Cursed Items
Have you been looking for some new toys to screw with the minds of your poor players? Look no further! From horrible to just plain annoying these cursed items will give your party a new reason to be cautious about what treasure they take!

Mask of Indeterminate faces
Wondrous item, uncommon, cursed
When the user puts this mask on they gain the ability to cast the spell Disguise Self one time. Once the item has been used, it adheres to the users face like a second skin and becomes unable to be removed except by a Remove Curse spell. After the wearer completes a long rest, the mask activates and casts Disguise Self by itself, with the features of the spell being determined by the DM.

Shrinking Ring
Wondrous item, rare, cursed This magical ring allows it's user to cast the Enlarge/Reduce spell once per long rest. Once the ring has been used to Reduce however, when the user reverts back to normal size, the ring does not. The wearer must succeed on a DC 15 constitution save or suffer 1d10 damage. The user's had becomes nearly unusable causing them to make an additional save every time they try to use it or suffer the damage again. If the ring is not removed within a day, the wearer's finger dies and becomes useless giving a permanent -1 to Dexterity. If the wearer uses the ring the to cast Enlarge, when the effects wear off the ring stays larger, and falls off. If the ring is ever not worn it reverts back to it's normal size.

Wand of Self-Immolation
Wand, uncommon, cursed
This appears to be a wand of Fireball with a single charge, that will not recover charges. If the wand is used it casts the spell Fireball as if cast by a 5th level caster, centered directly upon the user of the wand.

Blade of Deception

Weapon (Longsword), uncommon, cursed, requires attunement
This appears to be and acts like a Sword of Wounding, however after each round of combat the sword changes shape to another bladed weapon of a size category larger. Once the weapon has gone through the largest size category it changes shape to a weapon of the smallest size category, and continues the cycle.

Cup of Glorious poison

Wondrous item, uncommon, cursed
This magical cup is a gold and gem-laden masterpiece of craftsmanship. It has the ability to create fill itself with any mundane drink. Upon activation anyone within a 30ft radius must make a DC 14 Charisma save or have an overwhelming desire to drink from it, and the bearer has a strong desire to share the cup around. Drinking from the cup immediately confers the Poisoned status effect. The effect may be removed in the normal ways.

Boots of Mysterious Stepping

Wondrous item, uncommon, cursed, requires attunement
These magical boots allow you to cast Misty Step once per short rest. Once cast the wearer must succeed on a DC14 Intelligence check or they end up in a location of the DM's choosing.

Antipode Cloak

Wondrous item, uncommon, cursed, requires attunement
This cloak appears to be black and white checkerboard. Donning the cloak grants the wearer Resistance to a certain element, but also Vulnerability to the opposite element. DM's discretion which element.
The cloakcan not be removed or un-attuned except by remove curse.

Coin of consumption

Wondrous item, uncommon, cursed
If this coin is ever in the dark and next to other coins, it consumes them at a rate of 1 coin per minute. The coin excretes beautiful but worthless glitter.

Headband of Broken concentration

Wondrous item, uncommon, cursed, requires attunement
This looks and operates like a normal Headband of Intellect, however once the wearer casts a spell that requires concentration they must immediately make a DC14 Intelligence save, or have their spell fail. Each round of concentration the wearer must repeat the save. The headband can not be removed or un-attuned except by remove curse.

Axe of Vicious Returning

Weapon (hand axe), rare, cursed, requires attunement
This hand axe looks almost identical to a Dwarven Thrower. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When you hit with a ranged attack using this weapon, it deals an extra 1d6 damage. When the weapon returns to you it, it returns blade first, attacking you with half of the attack bonus used of its last attack.
The Axe can not be un-attuned except by remove curse.

Plate Armor of Emperors Etherealness

Armor (plate), very rare, cursed, requires attunement
This armor seems to be a standard plate armor of Etherealness when discerning it's capabilities. While you're wearing this armor, you can speak its command word as an action, however instead of conferring the effects of the Etherealness spell to it's wear, it applies only to the armor itself, causing it to become ethereal. The armor is still considered 'worn' by you, and all the negatives of plate still apply. This effect lasts until the next dawn.
The armor can not be removed or un-attuned except by remove curse.

Vial of Lovers Poison

Wonderous item, uncommon, cursed
This bottle of poison can be applied to any bladed weapon. Upon doing so the target must make a DC 14 Con save or the weapon inflicts the Poisoned status on a successful hit. However, if the weapon is used to strike any target that has the Poisoned status effect, the target is healed for the amount of damage that would be rolled.

Quiver of Infinite annoyance
Wonderous item, uncommon, cursed, requires attunement
This Quiver creates magical +1 arrows as they are pulled out to be fired. When one of these arrows is fired, a beam of red light the width of the arrow follows in it's path, connecting the target and the shooter. This beam stays on the shooter until another arrow is fired at another target, causing a new beam of light to appear. The light disappears when an object comes between the two points, or 1 minute whichever happens first.

Magical Map of ineptitude

Wonderous item, uncommon, cursed
This rolled up map looks extremely well drawn, and redraws for everything within 1 square mile upon whispering the activation phrase. When someone uses the map, they must make a DC 15 Wisdom save or believe with absolute certainty that everything on the map is correct, and defend the legitimacy with uncharacteristic behavior. The map is always wrong, and leads anybody using it off course, usually towards the most dangerous thing nearby.

Demonskin Leather

Armor (leather), rare, cursed, requires attunement
This Red leather armor grants resistance to fire damage to it's wearer, but also vulnerability to slashing and piercing damage. If the wearer is ever bleeding, the blood is absorbed by the armor and a sense of delight is detected by its wearer.
The armor can not be removed or un-attuned except by remove curse.

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